Independent Director Appointment Information

The Company's Articles of Association stipulate that the nomination system for the selection of directors (including independent directors) under Article 192-1 of the Company Act shall be adopted.

The current independent directors were discussed and approved by the Board of Directors, and during the nomination acceptance period for independent director candidates, they submitted relevant documentary evidence to the company for nomination. Subsequently, after the nomination acceptance period, the Board of Directors reviewed the list of independent director candidates, assessed their qualifications in accordance with the requirements for independent directors, and ensured compliance with the provisions of Article 192-1 of the Company Act, before presenting them for election at the regular shareholders' meeting.

The list of elected independent directors and their respective number of votes for the 2022 Annual Shareholders' Meeting is as follows.

Title Name The number of votes received for election
Independent Director JU KAI LAI 19,056,874
Independent Director WEI DAR CHEN 18,537,898
Independent Director YI KUANG LI 18,032,933