Diverse Workplace

USERJOY has been committed to create a diverse workplace:
The company values the contributions of every employee, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion,culture, and age. USERJOY strives to create an environment that respects and treats everyone equally, ensuring each individual feels safe and respected.

2023 Number of people Ratio
Local 491 98.59%
Foreigner 7 1.4%
2023 Number of people Ratio
Male 312 62.65%
Female 186 37.35%
2023 Number of people Ratio
21 to 30 117 26.07%
31 to 50 366 72.30%
Over 51 15 1.43%

USERJOY firmly believes that a diverse team brings different perspectives and creativity. Therefore, the company actively recruits diverse talents to meet job requirements and provide opportunities for everyone. This ensures that our team benefits from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.

The goal is to create an inclusive and diverse workplace where all employees are encouraged to share their ideas and experiences. The company values open communication and feedback, and it is committed to prohibit from discrimination, prejudice, and bullying. USEJOY respects the differences in cultural backgrounds and values, and encourages team members to learn, exchange, and share cultural uniqueness.

Fulfilling Social Responsibility
USERJOY is dedicated to fulfilling social responsibility by employing individuals with disabilities and providing opportunities for their career. The company has employed therapists to offer massage services to other employees, and also have environmental cleaners to maintain office environment. USERJOY ensures that employees with disabilities receive the same benefits and opportunities.

Disabled Employees
2023 Ratio
Disabled Employees Expected Hiring 4 0.81
Actual Hires 4 0.81