Company Profile

Company Name USERJOY Technology Co.,Ltd.
Stock Code 3546
Market Type OTC-Listed
Industry Type Cultural and Creative
Principal Activities Online game and mobile game software development and sales
Date of Establishment 1995/5/19
Date of Listing 2008/4/18
Capital 505,864,260
Stock Transfer Agent Capital Securities Co., Ltd.
Chairman Andy Liu
General Manager Andy Liu
Chartered Public Accountant Deloitte & Touche Chang Chih Yi and Huang Yi Min
Spokesperson Management Division Assistant Vice President / Paul W.T. Yeh
Acting spokesperson Finance Division Assistant Vice President / Lih Huey Fang
Telephone +886-2-8226-9989
Fax +886-2-8226-9918
Address 17F.-8, No. 2, Jian 8th Rd., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City 235, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Email Address
Web Address